Friday, 30 March 2012

We came here to rock the microphone.

I've FINALLY got an external hard drive!!!

Hello to space, Skype and video editing again!

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Let's talk about you.

Somewhat relaxed on the update front. I'll leave it up to you, dear reader, as to whether its because I've been far too busy to post, or because there simply aren't enough interesting happenings to post about at present.

I'm currently writing as I travel back home on the train again. I seem to spend half my time on trains lately, but I find this is no bad thing. Trains provide that liminal space, the anonymity of communal journeying, that gives enough mental space to expand on any passing pondering. 'Passing pondering'. I quite like that. If/when I create yet another blog, which is largely inevitable, I will endeavour to name it such. I almost wish my journey were longer, I seem to write much more freely and fluently when travelling.

In other writing news - I'm still piecing together the general base outline for my dissertation. And still attempting to devise a witty title. I have also, finally, descended into the realm of fanfiction. After spending a good year reading masses of the stuff, apparently I feel accomplished enough to attempt my own. I shall not be posting the stories themselves here, nor shall I let slip my username for you to find them. To be perfectly honest though, should you know me well enough it should be fairly easy to guess what it might be, and anyone who has happened to come within the slightest vicinity of my being can surely assume which fandom I am delving into. I have just had an outline beta-ed rather enthusiastically by a dear friend, so we'll see how it goes. Evidently I am no serious writer but judging by some shockers I've come across, this is no requirement.

I have also hit a rather large writer's block when it comes to my films. I have generally hit a large and entirely impenetrable wall with all my creative endeavours it seems. This is pretty much a big fat lie, I'm just not doing anything. At all. And it is immensely infuriating.

I am also holding onto hope that I can live in the same room next year. I will cry, very much so, should my landlord choose to refuse me. Although this wouldn't be such a surprise - he has already explicitly stated to my housemate that he doesn't like me and that I am rude. I won't go into detail, mainly because I am entirely fed up of the whole situation, but he isn't exactly the happiest of chappies that I've ever come across. But there we go.

The weather has been beautiful lately. Which most likely explains the upping of mood here. I have been spending time out in our garden (if it can be called such), yet still managing to avoid getting a decent amount of work done. But anyway, I have made a step towards bare-leg dressing for the summer - I am currently wearing a vest, top, shorts, fishnets and my Starkid shoes. The fishnets probably explain the frequent second glances that have been sent my way today. Always been one for turning heads, for whatever reason.

Last week, I spent the morning in Prison. In a sense. I visited with the Gospel Choir I am now an alumni of, to sing and lead worship for their Sunday morning services. It was a great experience, particularly as I have always been interested in Prison work. I would love to be involved in some way, although many people I know aren't so keen on my doing so. Nevertheless, we have been invited back to the Chapel again, and I fully intend on rejoining them again.

Finally, its my mum's birthday! And I wish her a super wonderful day. This explains my current travelling status, I am particularly looking forward to spending a few days with her, and seeing her reaction to her present!

And as my journey continues, I shall end this liminal post.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

If you love a woman.

Happy International Women's Day!

Little bit torn, on a national recognition day such as this, as to whether equality between genders is truly being recognised, or whether we're celebrating the difference. I'm aware those are two largely different arguments, but after having watched an article on the Day on BBC's Newsnight, its really rather unclear if feminism is being considered let alone maintaining itself as a fighting force. I fully support celebrating influential and remarkable women, and continuing the fight for equality between men and women - let's be honest, I've no hope of making it in my desired industry if that's not my stance. It worries me that a vast amount of people my age don't understand, let alone support the basic ideas that underpin feminism.

On another note, there's a rather interesting programme on television about the London Underground. If I was more awake, I'd probably stay up and watch it. Unfortunately, I'm ill. So I must concentrate on getting better, as I'm rejoining the choir for a service in the local prison. I've always had an interest in prison work, so this is a real opportunity.

I must go let the cat back in.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Scarlet billows start to spread...

I am really very fond of my name. Very much so.
I know I spell it strangely.
And it rhymes with a rather amusing repertoire of words within the English language.
But it's my name.
And I'm very proud of it.

Saturday, 3 March 2012

Cecilia, I'm down on my knees...

Today is a day that should be filled with most useful things.
Should be.

Unfortunately, my bed is far too comfortable and warm for me to want to move too far. That and I would still have to confront the fact that we are now without hot water. Completely. Sometimes I do wonder how landlords can justify to themselves taking such shocking advantages of students. I genuinely wonder how easy it is to sleep at night knowing there is a group of people barely able to live in a house you are being paid to supposedly upkeep to "standard living conditions", let alone complying with legal hazard and health requirements. (Yes, I'm doing my research. Yes, I'm taking this higher.)

Anyway. I shall be spending my evening frolicking about town in a homemade Elle Driver costume - Year 21 is indeed the Year of the Villain. I'm very excited about beginning to plan my birthday do this year. Once again, it falls within deadline season, even better - on my birthday. So we are making a weekend of my birthday celebrations, end of year 2 and this delightful concept called 'freedom' that we currently possess before the literal chaining to laptops that accompanies the DISSERTATION ZONE.

Having said this, I am quite ridiculously excited about starting my dissertation. I have set up a dissertation blog so that I can keep track of everything, and keep ramblings to a minimum elsewhere if I have somewhere to vent on this topic specifically.

Must go and buy hair dye for Gideon-Graves-dressing housemate tonight.

Friday, 2 March 2012

I got my black shades on...

I am absolutely in love with Ray Charles by Chiddy Bang at the moment - fantastic song. I am most looking forward to the summer months at the moment.

This could largely be due to the fact that our heating is still broken. And we are currently water-less. I would complain of this in much finer detail, but lets not get into any complications - you never know who might be trawling the net! To summarise - I am still cold, much as I have been for the past month, and thoroughly looking forward to being able to put the kettle on, have a shower and, surprise surprise, do the washing up. I guess its a testament to the old saying that 'you never know what you've got until its gone'. Right now, I am highly appreciative of having clean, running water and indoor plumbing in this country.

Still trying to get my head around the fact that I am prepping for my dissertation. This is quite bizarre, but also immensely exciting. I sincerely hope I'm not diverted too far from my intended course with it, but at this point - pre-handing in my Major Project Proposal form - I can only speculate. And wear gloves as my fingers are freezing up to the point of losing their typing ability.

I should probably get on with my list of Important Things To Do...

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Its effectual. Each and every time.

One day things are looking up and wonderful and so exciting.
And the next you're just feeling a bit shit.
I feel like a put such a downer on everything for everyone.
Gosh darn it.

Cheer up you fool and go write your dissertation proposal form.